Safe Drone Flying
Request to fly UAV/RPAS (drones)
Please read carefully
Your flight is not approved until you receive a written reply from the Bay of Islands Airport.
All boxes on this form must be completed. Use N/A as required.
Applications must be made at least 1 business day in advance of the intended flight.
Tight controls are in place for all drone flights within 4km of an aerodrome. Drones pose a significant hazard to aircraft and their occupants.
Legally you must meet the following conditions before flying a drone within 4km of an aerodrome.
1. Qualifications Required.
You will need to hold (or be supervised by someone who holds) an approved qualification. These include the following:
A Model Flying New Zealand Wings Badge
A Pilot Licence or Certificate issued under Rule Part 61 or Part 149
A Pilot Qualification (from an Approved Person or Organisation)
(Contact the CAA at rpas@caa.govt.nz for a list of approved remotely piloted aircraft instructors.)
2. Observer Required.
To operate within 4km of an uncontrolled aerodrome you are required to have an observer in attendance while your aircraft is in flight.
3. Aerodrome Operator Agreement Required.
You need to obtain agreement from the operator of the uncontrolled aerodrome you are operating near.
4. Additional Conditions.
As well as meeting the requirements outlined above, you must not fly over any active movement area of the aerodrome (e.g. the runway or taxiways).
Please note: Conditions 1 and 2 are not required for shielded operations.
Use this Quick Start Guide to understand how the system works.